What Is A Good Dog Food For Dogs With Sensitive Stomachs?


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What are the best dog food for sensitive stomachs?

Dog’s, like humans, can have sensitivities to foods that can cause an upset stomach. But there are foods that will be much easier for our dog to digest while being much easier on their stomachs.

Why does my dog have a sensitive stomach?

Some dogs are just prone to having a sensitive stomach, which really means they have irritation in their intestines. This can be a minor issue that can be easily managed or more serious problems like stomach cancer or an intestinal infection. But most can be treated by eliminating foods that simply don’t agree with them.

Let’s face it, if you are feeding a low-quality kibble to your pup, there may be all sorts of unknown animal and grain by-products in that food.

Symptoms of sensitive stomachs in dogs

Sensitive stomach

You can look for symptoms that will be a good sign that your dog is having stomach issues.

  • Vomiting
  • Excessive gas
  • Loose or runny stool
  • Lack of appetite
  • Hypersalivation

These can all be signs your dog may have an issue with their stomach. If you find your dog having extreme signs of these symptoms (especially vomiting and diarrhea), you should bring them to a veterinarian immediately to eliminate a major complication. Usually, you want to start by what your dog is currently eating.

Back to basics

Is your dog eating table scraps? Have you recently changed dog foods or is your dog eating a lot of treats or bones? Some dogs can have iron guts and can eat anything like a garbage disposal without any issues but some are just way more sensitive on what they cram in there gut.

Answering these questions may be helpful in pointing to obvious foods or habits that may be contributing. You want to eliminate all these extra food items your dog is digesting and start again with very basic foods. Ones that are highly digestible…

Dog food ingredients that can cause upset stomach in your dog


Some dogs simply do better on certain protein sources than others. If you are currently feeding your dog a lamb and rice diet and start showing signs of an upset stomach and some of the symptoms we covered, then go ahead and switch out the lamb for chicken or beef. Monitor them as you transition over the new proteins source and make sure they are showing signs of improving.


Generally speaking, high levels of fat can be very hard on the digestive system. Fats are needed to offer energy and vitamin absorption, but too much can be difficult for your pup to digest leading to an upset tummy and diarrhea. So it is recommended that you keep the fats in the moderate range.


Low-quality food can also be the culprit for stomach issues.

Table scraps

Growing up my father always told us kids not to give table scraps to the dog. That was something I took to heart when I grew up and got married and started getting our own dogs. Most dogs can eat almost anything as mentioned earlier, but that doesn’t mean its good for them to gorge themselves on whatever is given to them.

Best dog food for sensitive stomach-vomiting

Homemade foods

Here is a list of different homemade food items that will help calm the stomach:

  • Pumpkin- Puree or canned

Pumpkin for dogs

  • Cottage cheese- Plain

Cottage cheese for dogs

  • White Rice-plain

rice for dogs with upset stomach

  • Chicken- Plain boiled chicken

chicken for dogs

  • Boiled eggs- Plain

eggs for dogs with sensitive stomach

Start them on one of these items for a few days and see if they start to feel better. If your dog is prone to having a sensitive stomach then you can look for foods you can purchase or make at home that are easy to digest and are designed for dogs with stomach sensitivities.

Store-bought foods

What to look for when buying food for sensitive stomachs:

  • Foods without grains

Since there are no grain requirements for a dog diet, it is suggested that you do not purchase any food containing grains such as corn, wheat, soy, or barley as this can cause an upset stomach. Grains get a bad rap today and I won’t say all grains are bad for all dogs, but it’s best to eliminate them to make sure they are not the culprit.

  • Limited ingredients (Less is more in this case)

Like keeping the grain out, you want to find foods that have a limited number of ingredients while still offering a well-balanced diet.

  • Easily digestible ingredients
  •  High-quality food geared towards dogs with sensitive stomachs should have ingredients that are easy to digest.

I hope this article will help clear up some questions regarding dogs with stomach sensitivities and how you can help this with proper foods. Dogs can also have allergies that may contribute to an upset tummy that may need to be addressed also.